buenoguy (unplugged)

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January 31, 2004 @ 17:04

she bangs

Sometimes, things on TV really impress me. I have to admit that I enjoy watching American Idol -- at least the audition part until they find the finalists for the big shows that everyone likes.

One guy's name was Hung. He goes to UC Berkeley and is an engineering student. Absolute worst singer in the world, although I was impressed that he was able to reach a higher note in the song he chose - "She Bangs" by Ricky Martin. Randomly, without searching, I found a clip of the video [HERE]

The judges ask him, "You can't sing, you can't dance, so what do you want to say?" What really impressed me was what he replied, "I already gave my best, and I have no regrets at all." That's the kind of attitude I wish I had.


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